Case Management Services
TPP Hydrotherapy works in partnership with Woodfield Physiotherapy Centre providing specialist medical hydrotherapy, land-based rehabilitation and physiotherapy services. We welcome case management patients with complex orthopaedic trauma and musculoskeletal presentations as their predominant injury.
The majority of these patients will benefit from being treated by the same practitioner for both their hydrotherapy and land-based physiotherapy treatments.

Areas We Cover
Currently patients, within a one-hour drive time of one of our pools and clinics, are receiving hydrotherapy and/or land-based physiotherapy treatment.
We also provide a domiciliary physiotherapy service for patients with approximately a one-hour drive time of the Woodfield Physiotherapy Clinic.
Medical Hydrotherapy
TPP Hydrotherapy is the only provider in the East of England with its own hydrotherapy pools. In addition to our 2 pools, we will also be shortly operating from Milton Keynes Hospital, one day per week.
Our four aquatic physiotherapists have over 60 years of combined experience in aquatic physiotherapy. All Case Management patients where possible are treated by the same practitioner throughout their rehabilitation with us.
Land-based Physiotherapy
Woodfield Physiotherapy Centre has been established for over 25 years. The team of physiotherapists are highly qualified and experienced and the practice is held in high esteem across Bedfordshire and Cambridgeshire.
We treat a growing number of case management patients both in our clinic as well as in their homes.
At Woodfield, patients all benefit from being able to use our purpose built, spacious, and well-equipped rehabilitation gym and studio, where bespoke physiotherapy and functional rehabilitation is provided.